Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Strange Feeling

I have such great relationships with Jake, Maggie, and Abe. It makes me sad that I most likely won't be close to Isaac.

I can't get dragged into that whole mess, though.

The best I can do is (when he gets older) let him know that I'll be there for him if he ever needs anything.

It still feels so strange to have a half-brother (who is twenty-three years [to the day] younger than I am).

But, it's hard to ignore now that I've met* and fallen completely in love with him.

*I met him October 17. I hadn't planned on meeting him for a long time, but I bumped into him (and his mom and his other half-sisters) unexpectedly in the park. I wasn't emotionally prepared, but when I held him and he laughed and feel asleep in my arms.