Thursday, May 13, 2010

No Need to Rush

I've got all my life to live.
I've got all my love to give.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Next Chapter

This weekend, Marie and I moved to our new apartment! Thankfully, we had lots of family to help us move! At this point, I feel fairly settled in, and I'm excited to start decorating. This weekend was so busy with Artwalk (Capstone opening at the PAC and Freedom Photography!), moving, unpacking, and the Mother's Day extravaganza at the Lake.

A few days ago I made the decision to put grad school off for a year. A different financial priority needs to be dealt with before I continue my education. However, I also made the decision to work on my photography. I'm really excited to be able to spend time on this hobby!

While I was unpacking my books this evening, I came across all of my Religion Senior Seminar readings. I really miss those discussions! Maybe I need to get together with Brett...Haha! But really, I think I'm going to reread The Fall and The Stranger which are both written by Albert Camus. The first time I read The Fall, it threw me into an existential crisis.

Marie, (in advance) I'm sorry that I'll be ranting. Feel free to tune me out. Haha!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's That Time of Year (At Least I Don't Have Finals)

Moving day is near! I think it's safe to say that the next several days are going to be pretty intense with working, shopping for Mother's Day, packing, moving, going to the Lake, etc.

I'm also looking forward to the PAC gallery opening on Friday; it will be fun to see what the Capstone students did this year! I can't wait to see what my talented friends from the Art Department created!

At the same time that such exciting things are happening in my life, my best friend is having a very difficult time. I wish I could go visit her, but it's just not possible right now. Hopefully, after Chelsea graduates, things will settle down and we'll be able to spend some quality time together. I miss her so much!