Yesterday morning, I participated in a SIFE Ethics Scavenger Hunt (insert manaical laughter here about doing something with SIFE). Despite the fact that I had to wake up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning and there was snow on the ground, it wasn't altogether terrible...and I did learn something--well, actually solidified something that I already knew.
The Ethics Scavenger Hunt consisted of going to five different businesses around town. Each business offered an scenario that either previously dealt with or they were actually needing ideas for what to do. The scenarios ranged from dealing with disgruntled employees to "green" marketing strategies to dealing with constitutional rights.
I remembered throughout all of this exactly how much I loathe corporate procedure and protocol. I hate it with a passion. I cringe when I think about working in an environment that requires me to go through the corporate ladder when I have an issue or problem. I shudder when I think about having to do something that I don't feel is particularly moral just because protocol tells me I have to.
So, I have come to an important decision. I must own my own business. I'm not sure what kind...maybe a boutique design agency or a hip coffee shop...? I don't know, but I am going to have to be my own boss.
PS. I also got this great book for participating! hahahahahaha
PPS. I told Russell he could get me one of these to repay me for being on his team for the SIFE event. He laughed.
1 comment:
Could I get a copy of that book? It looks so interesting and practical for my life..... hahaha
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